Wausau, WI
The Engineering Department has an ongoing pavement management program for rating the condition of streets throughout the City, and each year will recommend to the Infrastructure and Facilities Committee those streets which should be considered for new construction or reconstruction. Property owners can also petition for street projects, or for the installation of sanitary sewer and watermain where it does not currently exist.
For new street construction, each year streets are selected to receive new curb, gutter and pavement. These are identified as "street improvement projects." Typically some of the streets will be temporary sealcoat streets in newly developing areas while others may be older streets where the pavement or curbing has deteriorated or was never installed. Other streets may have drainage problems or need to be frequently patched.
Streets are recommended for reconstruction when the existing street surface, curbing, etc. has deteriorated to the point where it is no longer practical or cost effective to continue to make repairs. These are identified as "street reconstruction projects." Typically the street surface is in extremely rough condition, requires frequent patching, and drainage problems may be an issue.
When people are notified of proposed projects some will argue that other streets are older or in just as bad or worse shape as their street, and ask why those streets are not being done instead. The Engineering Department maintains a five-year construction schedule and many streets have been identified for street improvements or street reconstruction. However, that list is constantly revised as streets are added, deleted or delayed. The primary factor in determining the amount of construction which will take place–and when–is the annual City budget. Sometimes property owners may want a project to be delayed but they should be aware that the longer a street project is delayed, the more it may cost in special assessments when it does take place.
Property owners are given about one year’s notice of proposed street projects so they are aware that construction may be taking place the following year and how they will be affected from a financial standpoint.
Special Assessments
Street construction projects typically involve the levying of special assessments to abutting property owners. A list of Frequently Asked Questions is available to address many of the questions and concerns property owners have about this process.